Tina Porou
Intergenerational change must be forged in the Fire: Māori governance as a platform to transform the state of our Taiao
As we enter a phase of extreme impact on our Taiao and generational transition for the current leadership structures of PSGE models and Māori Economic Authorities, this is the time to reset the platform for Taiao transformation. Tina shares an approach for how to invest in changing the fundamental capitalist values of our economies into those based on our whakapapa centring the well-being of Papatuanuku. She sees Māori governance roles as the lever to re-establish ourselves as the leader in Taio centred economies in the world.
About this kaikōrero
Tina Porou (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri, Ngāti Rakaipaaka, Ngāti Maniapoto) works largely in the intersection of indigenous knowledge and contemporary environmental challenges. She advocates for the importance of traditional knowledge and practices leading modern science to create sustainable solutions that honor the legacy of our tipuna while addressing the needs of future generations. She has worked in a range of fields including freshwater, geothermal taonga, climate change matters and within the Maori economy.