Ernestynne Walsh
Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui
Ernestynne is of Ngāti Porou and Te Whānau-ā-Apanui descent. She lives in Pōneke and works as the Māori data service lead at Nicholson Consulting. She leads an amazing team of kaimahi Māori to deliver work that results in a more equitable Aotearoa for the good of our communities.
Ernestynne has almost completed her Masters of Māori and Indigenous Leadership which looks at implementing Māori data sovereignty in the public sector.
Ernestynne is excited to be accepted into He Tukutuku Koiora – the Māori associate directorship programme. Her governance aspirations are to see more wāhine and rangatahi in the data governance space and to see more strategic thinking around Māori data and tech futures.
Outside of mahi, she continues to learn te reo and supports a charitable trust called Te Rau Hihiri which advocates for Māori succeeding as Māori in the public sector.
Amonuku Placement
Te Taumata
Te Taumata are the premier authentic voice for Māori on trade between New Zealand and the rest of the world. Their extensive and experienced network work directly with Māori businesses to deliver better trade outcomes for Māori and a more prosperous future for whānau and communities.